Sketchup Building Design

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  1. Design A Building For Free
  2. Sketchup Building Design
  3. Sketchup Building Models
  4. Sketchup Houses
  • Get design recommendations based on weather and building type Simplicity is the backbone of SketchUp and LayOut. The ease of developing a project, from the initial concept to fully documenting the construction set in LayOut, makes for a unique and rewarding process; easily communicated with clients, consultants, governing agencies and contractors.
  • 3D rendering and design in construction projects has vastly improved, take your clients on a detailed tour of any concept they can dream up. Stay tuned for news and updates from SketchUp! From big idea to build, we give you the tools to build more confidently and efficiently.

SketchUp is a premier 3D design software that truly makes 3D modeling for everyone, with a simple to learn yet robust toolset that empowers you to create whatever you can imagine.

Sketchup Building Design

Design A Building For Free

Who the SketchUp PreDesign tool is for:

  • Anyone designing a building, building renovation or outside space.
  • Anyone looking for design inspiration or ideas when considering a new building design or renovation.

Sketchup Building Design

Sketchup Building Design

Design A Building For Free

Who the SketchUp PreDesign tool is for:

  • Anyone designing a building, building renovation or outside space.
  • Anyone looking for design inspiration or ideas when considering a new building design or renovation.

Sketchup Building Design

With SketchUp's PreDesign tool you can:

  • Obtain information about the climate that will help you design a better building.
  • Get inspiration and ideas for incorporating local climate factors and environmental considerations into your design narrative.
  • Find out what design strategies will work well before you start building your 3D model.
  • Generate content that helps you convince others of the merit of alternative design strategies.

Sketchup Building Models

Where the PreDesign tool fits in:

  • The SketchUp PreDesign tool is intended to be used as part of the 'PreDesign' (also known as research) phase of a building or building renovation design project.
  • The SketchUp PreDesign tool filters through design ideas and presents those that have the potential to be most suitable to your project, based on an analysis of historical climate data for your site.
  • By using the SketchUp PreDesign tool BEFORE you start designing, you can avoid spending time thinking about strategies that are unlikely to be worth pursuing on your project.

Sketchup Houses

What the PreDesign tool does not do:

  • It does not tell you how to apply design strategies to your project (although we do offer some guidance in the help section.)
  • It does not guarantee compliance with energy or green building codes or standards.
  • It will not be able to provide guidance for a specific 3D model you are working on (it only looks at building type and climate history and provides suggestions based on that).

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